Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's the Deal with Sports Illustrated?

Seriously?  Miami fans certainly you remember the Sports Illustrated issue that was released sixteen years ago--you know, the one with the front cover  suggesting "Why the University of Miami Should Drop Football."  Well, they are at it again and their feelings are unchanged.  The current issue bears the words "Sixteen Years Later it's Time to get Real.  An Open Letter to Miami from SI."  Unreal.  Isn't this supposed to be a respectable sports source?  Shouldn't SI wait to hear all of the facts before jumping the gun?  One would think so.  I would hope that most of the writers (hell, even a fraction of the reporters) over there would have the brains to wait until the conclusion of Nevingate before screaming for the death penalty.  Dear SI, this is common sense.  We aren't trying to split the atom here.

As Caniacs, we are used to being hated.  They love to bring us down.  You either love us or despise us and clearly the entire nation prefers the latter.  In the end SI is going to have to eat a huge plate of crow.  Let ESPN know how it tastes, will ya.  And ESPN, do the same for Yahoo!